16 Year Breast Cancer Survivor, Made You Smile Back Baby Boomer of the Month, December 2019 Gail Berzat-Paul, Make You Smile, Made You Smile

Meet Gail Berzat-Paul – A 16 Yr Breast Cancer Survivor


Introducing Gail Berzat-Paul

Made You Smile Back’s January 2019 ‘Recognized Baby Boomer of the Month’ is proud to announce and present this award to Gail Berzat-Paul from Grand Prairie, Texas.  She is not only a 16-Year Breast Cancer Survivor but is a Hurricane Katrina Refugee who relocated to Texas in 2005.  

Gail Berzat-Paul has had an interesting life journey.  You will be amazed at everything she has gone thru, survived and accomplished.   It is my pleasure to tell you her inspiring and uplifting story.  Congratulations Gail Berzat-Paul!

From Humble Beginnings in New Orleans, Lousiana

Gail Berzat-Paul was born in New Orleans, Louisiana four of 10 children.  Her parents were originally from Mansura, LA.  Her father was a teacher but could not raise a growing family on a teacher’s salary.  Her parents moved the family into the Magnolia Housing Project in 1940.  She was raised in what was known as  the “Project”.  Her parents’ native tongue was Creole-French.  Unfortunately, she and her siblings did not learn the language, to which Gail regrets

New Orleans Creole-French Heritage, Gail Berzat-Paul, Made You Smile Back January 2019 Baby Boomer of the Month, Made You Smile, Make You Smile
Images from Archdiocese of New Orleans© and Lousiana Creole Heritage Society©

to this day.  She was raised devout Roman Catholic and attended Holy Ghost Elementary School in New Orleans.

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Some of Gail’s early childhood personal struggles were overcoming shyness and her height.  Evidently, she was always the tallest girl in her class. Later in life, Gail learned to embrace her height.  

She also struggled with trying to be as smart in school as her older sister, who she claims was almost a genuis.  She finally realized she had other talents to keep her busy– art and gymnastics.

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Education and Meeting the ‘Love of my Life’

Gail’s educational background started at the tender age of five.  She loved attending Holy Ghost Catholic Elementary School in New Orleans.  She felt ‘special’ every day dressed in her burgundy uniform and brown and white saddle oxfords.

She graduated from eighth grade and went on to public

Holy Ghost Catholic Elementary School, Gail Berzat-Paul, Made You Smile Back January 2019 Baby Boomer of the Month, Made You Smile, Make You Smile
Image from Holy Ghost Catholic Elementary School in New Orleans – Facebook©

middle school.  That is where she really started exploring her love of art.  Gail was always the ‘go to’ girl to be on the committees to decorate for all the school musicals, graduations and Proms.

Gail and Butch Paul ,Made You Smile Back January 2019 Baby Boomer of the Month, Gail Berzat-Paul, Made You Smile, Make You Smile
Gail and Butch – Happily Married 54 Years!

Kevin.  She had to drop out, but always to this day she always wanted to finish college.

Being a Military wife is a special highlight of her life.  She and her husband lived in Germany and Japan.  She was able to expose her children to different cultures.  

Besides her son, Kevin, Gail also gave birth to her other son, Duane and daughter, Kara.  Her children are her pride and joy!

Surviving Military Life & Enjoying her Passion for Art

Military Life & Passion of Art,Old Masters German Art, Japanese Sumia Technique, Gail Berzat-Paul, Made You Smile Back January 2019 Baby Boomer of the Month, Made You Smile, Make You Smile
Artwork by curso deferias©on Flickr©
Design by Beth Elkassin c/o Canva©

While living overseas, Gail got to pursue her lifelong passion of Art.  Living in Germany was a great experience.  She was able to study with a German Artist for three years.  It was there in Germany, she learned the ‘Old Masters’  technique of painting.

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She then found herself relocating to Japan with her husband.  There she got the opportunity to learn the Asian Japanese technique known as Sumia.  She also studied first-hand with a local Japanese Artist.  For those of you that may not know, Sumia is a type of black ink wash painting using delicate and precise calligraphy-type brush strokes.

“What I’m Most Proud Of!”

Gail Berzat-Paul
Gail Berzat-Paul

When I posed the question of what Gail was most proud of.  She responded:  “I’m most proud of MYSELF, my husband, my children and grandchildren.  Proud of my marriage surviving a sometimes-challenged military life.  

I’m proud of the livestyle I’m living.  I’m proud that I’m able to take care of my husband.  I never thought in my wildest

dreams I would become his Dialysis Nurse.  I am able to dialyze him at our home and have been doing it for nearly 12 years!”

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Breast Cancer Advocate & Lifelong New Orleans Saints Fan

Breast Cancer Advocate,Made You Smile Back January 2019 Baby Boomer of the Month, Made You Smile, Make You Smile
Images by Canva©

Today Gail is 75 years YOUNG.  She’s a wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin and friend. She tries to stay healthy and is both a 16-year Breast Cancer Survivor as well as a Breast Cancer Advocate.

New Orleans Saints Fan, Made You Smile Back January 2019 Baby Boomer of the Month, Made You Smile, Make You Smile
Image by NFL™

She’s a sports fanatic loving her beloved New Orleans Saints.  Gail also enjoys watching tennis, bowling, baseball and basketball.

Community Involvement

Community Service, Gail Berzat-Paul,Made You Smile Back January 2019 Baby Boomer of the Month, Made You Smile, Make You Smile
Image by Johnbain© in Pixabay©

Gail Berzat-Paul has always been extremely active in various community programs throughout the years.  She was a member of her children’s Athletic Boosters Club, the Confraternity of Christian Athletes.  She has also been a proud member of the Catholic Women of the Chapel.

Today Gail keeps busy attending TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) weekly.   As stated before, she is an active member of the Breast Cancer Support Group and she attends Bariatric Support Group meetings as well.

Going one step further, her family and friends will tell you that Gail will go out of her way to help you if you are ever in need.  She’s one of the most kindest and well-respected ‘Baby Boomer’ women you’ll even meet.

Best Advice…

Best Advice, Made You Smile Back January 2019 Baby Boomer of the Month, Gail Berzat-Paul, Made You Smile, Make You Smile
Image by Skeeze© in Pixabay©

Is that not the best advice?!?  Congratulations once again to Gail Berzat-Paul!

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