Giggle, Laugh & Be Silly Once In Awhile!, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile

Giggle, Laugh & Be Silly Once In Awhile

It’s Okay to be Silly Once In Awhile!

Giggle, laugh and be silly once in awhile! Made You Smile Back is so excited to present this fun and delightful article about keeping your sense of humor. It’s okay to giggle, laugh and be silly once in awhile.

In this article, Made You Smile Back will explore why laughter is indeed the best medicine and will reveal seven signs that demonstrate a good sense of humor. You shall learn all the incredible health benefits one receives and of course the ‘best of the best’ jokes and tidbits will be shared as well!

So! Who’s ready to read a blog where you are guaranteed to be smiling back when you’re finished!

Laugh & Be Silly Once in Awhile, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile Back,
Image by Prawny© on Pixabay

What Does Sense of Humor Mean?

What does sense of humor really mean anyway? It’s someone who often finds things amusing or funny rather than being serious all the time. I believe we all are born with a sense of humor. Don’t believe me? Go to YouTube and type in ‘laughing babies’!

A sense of humor is built into every human’s brain. It sets us apart from at least most other animals. It is basically a skill of survival and shows up even in dire situations. Of course, depending upon our own personality, one’s sense of humor defines the real you…. and cannot be faked.

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Image by Geralt© on Pixabay

Historically speaking…

Think for a moment. Can you even imagine living without a sense of humor. A world void of laughter or the ability to smile? You can’t because it’s simply not possible. It’s part of our DNA and human evolution.

Who isn’t familiar with court jesters? Throughout history, jesters played a significant role in ancient history and were entertainers usually dressed in colorful garments. Early jesters were popular in Ancient Egypt, and entertained Egyptian pharaohs. 

Jesters were also popular with the Aztec people in the 14th to 16th centuries as with the Roman Empire as well. Perhaps they are best known in British England where many royal courts throughout English royal history employed entertainers and most had professional fools, sometimes called licensed fools whose simple job was to make people laugh.

Here’s the deal… if someone can say or do something to evoke another person to smile or laugh… it proves without a doubt that ‘everyone’ has a sense of humor. Its strong attraction is like a magnet and unites people for the common good.

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Laughter is the Best Medicine

We all need to ‘lighten up’ a bit, don’t you think? Let’s take a moment and really look at those joyful faces of laughter in all those children in the above photo. Remind yourself of how it felt being unconditionally happy and joyful as a child.

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The benefits of laughter, being silly, giggling, and just plain being funny is undisputable. Learn the simple power of laughter and humor. It’s fun to share a good laugh and it’s true, laughter is strong medicine.

It draws people together and strengthens your immune system. It helps our mental health when dealing and coping with problems of everyday life. Laughter has the power to transform fear of the unknown into enthusiasm for new possibilities. Take a look at all these following health benefits we derive from being ‘silly’!

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Photo by Rudy Anderson© on Pixabay

The Benefits of Laughter & Humor

Physical Health Benefits

  • Boosts immunity
  • Lowers stress hormones
  • Decreases pain
  • Relaxes your muscles
  • Prevents heart disease

Mental Health Benefits

  • Adds joy and zest to life
  • Eases anxiety and tension
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves mood
  • Strengthens resilience

Social Benefits

  • Strengthens relationships
  • Attracts others to us
  • Enhances teamwork
  • Helps defuse conflict
  • Promotes group bonding
Giggle, Laugh & Be Silly Once In Awhile, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile Back

Types of Sense of Humor

Before we dive into what the seven signs are of having a good sense of humor, we first need to discuss the obvious… there are definite different ‘types’ of sense of humor. Humor greatly differs from one person to another. Who doesn’t have a cousin, or an uncle, or friend that always seems to have a dark sense of humor or one who is sharp-witted or even those who are just plain ‘silly’ all the time!

Giggle,  Laugh & Be Silly Once in Awhile, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile Back

Psychologist Rod Martin, went out to determine and quantify humor and in 2003 he identified what he called the four broad styles of humor:

  1. Affiliative
  2. Self-enhancing
  3. Aggressive
  4. Self-defeating

According to the Journal of Research in Personality, Martin describes these 4 styles of humor: “Affiliative humor, he said, is used “to enhance one’s relationships with others,” and involves engaging in banter and cracking jokes with friends. Self-enhancing humor involves making yourself feel better by finding humor in your situation. Aggressive humor is marked by sarcasm, teasing, and ridicule, and self-defeating humor involves putting yourself down to gain approval from others.

Going further, Martin explains that virtually everyone’s sense of humor is a blend of different humor styles, but many people tend to lean in one direction. Nevertheless, there is a definite difference in having a ‘good and healthy sense of humor’ versus someone who is simply ‘mean-spirited’.

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Photo by JudaM© on Pixabay

7 Signs You Have a Good & Healthy Sense of Humor

Do YOU have an amazing sense of humor? Are you the type of person that can walk into a room full of people and just make everyone laugh and smile with no effort at all?

If so, you are to be envied, because these are the type of people we all like to hang out with. Why not? Because it makes you feel happy, right? The 7 signs of a good and healthy sense of humor are:

  1. You make laughing a priority. Those who have a good sense of humor not only see the value in making others laugh, but they prioritize laughter themselves. And as a result, they’re healthier and happier for it.
  2. You practice self-acceptance. Not everyone can be like Ellen Degeneres, but those of us who have a light-hearted attitude do practice more self-acceptance than most. Good-humored individuals embrace their flaws and laugh them off (and let them go) in a healthy way. Self-acceptance is a key to a happier life.
  3. More than likely you are a creative individual. These individuals can think on their feet and are known for their humorous quick wit. Having a creative mind also lends itself to having sharper short-term memory with their healthy dose of laughter daily.
  4. You’re more conscientious and have compassion and empathy. There’s a fine line between mean-spirited jokes and well-intentioned humor, and those with good humor know the difference. You can be funny and be kind, and make people laugh without the expense of hurting somebody feelings.
  5. More than likely, you are in great physical shape and possess positive well-being. When you exercise and are fit, the endorphins act as a stimulant that lends itself to confidence and that all-important well-being. According to Peter McGraw, Ph.D., an associate professor at University of Colorado Boulder who studies emotions. “[W]hen done well, humor can have a significant positive effect on your life,” he wrote for Psychology Today.
  6. It’s the secret sauce in having great relationships. A well-timed funny can do a lot of good. It has often been said, “Laughter is good for the soul.” Why not apply that to both business and social relationships?
  7. Aging is just a ‘fact of life’ to you. Good-humored individuals don’t let birthdays get them down. They take it all in stride. Their light-hearted nature may help you live longer. Research suggests that a sense of humor increases longevity into retirement. So bring it, birthdays!!!
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Giggle, Laugh & Be Silly Once In Awhile, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile Back
Image by sandianusi © on Pixabay

Are You Ready to Laugh? 10 Jokes That Will Make You Smile Back!

(1) “I used to think I was indecisive, but now I’m not too sure…!!!”

(2) “I am often asked, is GOOGLE a man or a woman? My simple answer is ‘it’s a woman because it won’t let you finish your sentence without making a suggestion…!!!…”

(3) “Before Instagram, I used to waste so much time sitting around having to imagine what my friends’ food looked like…!!!…”

(4) “My wife isn’t talking to me because apparently I ruined her birthday… I’m not sure how I did that — I didn’t even know it was her birthday…!!!…”

(5) “A client calls to the hotline of an internet service provider: ‘I have a problem, my internet stopped working two days ago, neither I nor my son nor anyone else can access it now…’ ‘I see, do you know what’s the operating system on your PC?’….. ‘Of course I do! It’s Facebook…!!!…'”

(6) “My boss told me to have a good day… so I went home…!!!….”

(7) “Did you hear about the italian chef that died? He pasta way…!!!…”

(8) “Knock, knock. Who’s there? Britney Spears. Britney Spears who? Knock, knock – Oops I did it again…!!!…”

(9) ” Don’t use “beef stew” as a computer password. It’s not stroganoff…!!!…”

(10) “Knock, knock. Who’s there? MadeYa. MadeYa who? Made You Smile Back…!!!…

Giggle, Laugh & Be Silly Once In Awhile, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile Back
Image by Canva© 

Wait! There’s More!

Giggle, Laugh & Be Silly Once In Awhile!

How many of you remember the viral Facebook video of the ‘Chewbacca Lady’? Well, believe it or not, her name is Candace Payne and she actually lives just 25 minutes from me in Grand Prairie, TX. I just couldn’t end this blog without including her YouTube video. For those of you who remember, you will laugh again… For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about… then you’re in for a real treat! I GUARANTEE you will laugh so hard, you will have tears in your eyes! ? ? ?

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Join in the Conversation Below and if YOU ended up laughing, PLEASE Leave a Comment!


1. How to develop a laughter mindset?

Comedian Paul Osincup suggests keeping a humour journal in the same way that you keep a gratitude journal. List 3 funny things every day in your humour journal and over time you will strengthen your funny muscles. This is a great way to improve your mental health.

2. What are 3 ways to laugh more every day?

Being able to laugh easily enables you to build a positive mindset. Here are a few ways to get started:
Read comic strips either in your daily newspaper or online
Watch a YouTube short featuring a stand up comic
 Get a joke a day calendar and read the joke for the day every morning

3. What makes us laugh?

SCIENTISTS so far have not been able to nail down why we laugh. The reasons for laughter are many and varied. We laugh when we are tickled, hear a joke or a funny story or when we recall a funny experience. But we also laugh when we are nervous, confused or embarrassed. 

4. Why do we cry after laughing?

A fit of intense laughter, (the kind where you find it impossible to stop,) often results in tears. This is because the act of laughing causes us to contract our facial muscles. This in turn strains the tear ducts and makes us shed tears. These tears are called reflex tears.

5. What is laughter therapy and what is it used for?

Dr Madan Kataria, the founder of laughter yoga, developed laughter therapy which is used to improve emotional wellness. A bout of hearty laughter releases endorphins resulting in the ‘feel good’ effect that lowers stress and boosts the body’s immune system. But laughter therapy is more than just indulging in a fit of laughter. According to this post,  a laughter therapy session has 4 basic steps:
– Clapping and warm-up exercises that help build positive energy in the group.
– Deep breathing exercises that result in mental and physical relaxation.
– Childlike playfulness that helps bring a happy mood and laughter.
– Laughter exercises that may involve playful games and narrating funny experiences. (Source)

Giggle,  Laugh & Be Silly Once In Awhile