The Magical Touch of Kindness, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile

The Magical Touch of Kindness

The Magical Touch of Kindness

Made You Smile Back is pleased to present this thought-provoking and enlightening article, ‘The Magical Touch of Kindess’. Continuing the ‘Happiness Series‘, we shall define what kindness really is, the ripple effect it creates and how it definitely is linked to happiness and well-being.

In addition, we shall explore the four different kinds of kindness. We will discuss the many positive benefits of both doing and receiving kindness from others.

Image by sheeze © on Pixabay and Design by Beth Elkassih

The best of the best kindness quotations will be sprinkled throughout and a collection of Random Acts of Kindness suggestions will be provided. Last but not least, Made You Smile Back shall conclude with an exciting 7 Day Challenge of Kindness.

Be sure to visit these other links to learn more about ‘Achieving Happiness’ as well:

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Photo by Geralt © on Pixabay

The True Meaning of Kindness

I love the title of this blog, ‘the magical touch of kindness’ because after you learn the true meaning of kindness, you shall see that it’s not only a ‘magical touch‘, its also realizing the ‘magical power’ of kindness and how it can truly be life-changing.

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Wikipedia defines kindness as: “behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and a concern for others. Its also considered to be a virtue.”

Being ‘nice’ is not the same as being ‘kind’.

A lot of people get this very confused. Let me explain the difference.

  • “Niceness” is based on how people observe and see you.
  • “Kindness” is based on your own beliefs, ethics and your own values.

Kindness is doing something and not expecting anything in return. Kindness is respect and helping others without waiting for someone to help one back.

The writer Emily Esfahani Smith says:

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There are two ways to think about kindness. You can think about it as a fixed trait: either you have it or you don’t. Or you could think of kindness as a muscle. In some people, that muscle is naturally stronger than in others, but it can grow stronger in everyone with exercise.”

The Magical Touch of Kindness, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile

The Magical Benefits that Kindness Manifests

As stated earlier, kindness is a virtue. And unfortunately, one which we don’t see as often as we should. We’ve become too disconnected and distracted. Let’s find our way back and reap the ‘powerful and magical’ benefits that kindness gives back.

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Per Gilbert Ross, of

This is some of the magic that kindness can manifest in your life: 

  1. Summon the power of love to flow through your life.
  2. Make your relationships happier and healthier.
  3. Cultivate compassion towards others and attract compassion from others.
  4. Greater awareness of the greater good and your true purpose.
  5. Make people feel better who in turn will respond better to any given situation.
  6. Spiritual growth and maturity.
  7. Receive kindness back.
  8. Make your life easier.
  9. Inspires others to spread kindness.
The Magical Touch of Kindness, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile

The Four Types of Kindness

Before we dive into explaining the four types of kindness. Let’s take a moment and watch this YouTube video I would like to share with you. Don’t worry, it’ll leave you wanting to exercise your ‘kindness muscle’. You’ll end up being kinder and in return will benefit being a happier and joyful you!

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1. Self-Kindness

The first type of kindness is known as self-kindness. This is the kindness we treat ourselves. Because really, when you think about it, how can one be kind to others if you don’t know how to even be kind to yourself! Another term for self-kindness is also known as self-compassion.

“Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.”

Christopher Germer, The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion

If you’ve had the opportunity of reading my recently published book, ‘The Power of Unexpected Miracles’, I reiterate how we are all beautifully unique and miraculous beings! We need to recognize our self-worth and  celebrate who we are and what we have to offer humanity.

The day we all become truly happy with who we are and begin to treat ourselves with the kindness and respect that we deserve, is the day that the world will become a much more loving, peaceful place. Happiness and the key to loving others begins with learning to love ourselves.

The Magical Touch of Kindness, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile
Photo by Alexandra_Koch © on Pixabay

2. Social Kindness

The second type of kindness is known as ‘social kindness’. This type of kindness is often what we see and behave in work environments or around friends and family on a routine daily basis.

It’s similar to being ‘nice’ but it is what society expects of us. To have empathy towards others. To be a helping hand. To be polite. To volunteer for social projects. This type of kindness, while also very important to have, usually comes with the expectation or having kindnesses reciprocated back or wanting our ‘social kindness’ to be observed and praised by our peers.

Social kindness is driven by the need for other people’s approval and validation. How many times have you seen someone go out of their way to be ‘kind’ or rather being ‘nice’ to someone making sure others could immediately see your charity. This is not true kindness.

Let’s examine the next third type of kindness. This is the one most people associate kindness with — spontaneous kindness.

The Magical Touch of Kindness, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile

3. Spontaneous Kindness a/k/a Random Acts of Kindness

Spontaneous kindness is kindness in direct response to a perceived need or opportunity.  It is also known as ‘random acts of kindness’. It is an unexpected act of charity or helpfulness and is often done for strangers.

But what’s separates this type of kindness from the other types is simply this… They are selfless acts, both large and small, that are committed unexpectedly, without prompting and with no apparent ulterior motive. 

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Folks, there is truly a ‘magical touch’ with each random act of kindness we perform to others! And you’re doubly blessed with the incredible feelings of well-being and humbleness one receives.

Smiling - An Act of Kindness, Made You Smile Back Inspirational Qoutes, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile Back, Smile, The Power of Unexpected Miracles

Random acts of kindness come in all forms. Just giving someone an unsolicited compliment today will put a smile on both of your faces. Thanking a police officer or fire fighter for their service, just picking up the trash in a public park or offering to babysit for a single mom just feels right.

If we show compassion, our kids will show compassion. What we give to others in our lifetime defines who we really are.

The Magical Touch of Kindness, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile
Photo by Canva © and Clipart by Clker-free-vector-Images © on Pixabay

4. Planned Kindness

Planned kindess is what I call intentional kindness. This is where you can plan for a certain time period – a day, a week, a month. You can identify any number of acts of kindness during that period. The point is to plan in advance specific acts of kindness you will do for identified recipients.

It’s my humble opinion that planned kindness or rather intentional kindness is kindness you must also exercise in your relationships. It is this ‘intention’ that is the ‘magic glue’ that keeps couples together.

There’s another sub-type of planned kindness and it is the one which is the most difficult to even do for some of us. And that is – doing acts of kindness to those who are simply not nice people. But you know what, this is the kindness which has the most ‘magical powers’ of making a difference. And the more people who do this, the better our world shall become.

In the next section, we shall be discussing what all these types of kindnesses can do. It’s called the ‘ripple effect’.

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The Ripple Effect

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Image by Jill Wellington © on Pixabay & Starbucks ® Cups from

In today’s world it is far too easy to miss the powerful ripple effect caused by one kind act, and no one demonstrates this better than the act of ‘paying it forward’ phenomenon.

How many of you have had the pleasure of being in a long line going thru the drive-thru at Starbucks® and when you finally pull up to the window to pay, you’re told its already been paid for! Made you feel incredible didn’t it?

And I would be willing to bet that it made you feel so good, you made the decision to ‘pay it forward’ for the next person driving up behind you. It’s a proven scientific fact that random acts of kindness are not only contagious but can be exponentially impactful on the world as a whole.

I can’t express enough why these RAKs (random acts of kindness) are so important for today’s society for there is an unseen potential that even one small act can have the ‘magical touch’ to make a more healthy and happier society.  It truly can be life-changing.

The Magical Touch of Kindness, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile
Photo by Alexandra_Koch © on Pixabay; Design by Beth Elkassih on Canva

Random Acts of Kindness Suggestions & Ideas

Would you like to learn about some creative and innovative small acts of kindness that you can do? Take a look at these suggestions and as you do, select a couple to put into action this week! You’ll find out why shortly.

  • Put post-it notes everywhere you see a need! This is an instant way to brighten up someone’s day.
  • Buy some lemonade at the next lemonade stand you drive by. And watch the joy and smile you put on that child you bought from!
  • Compliment drivers of how well they parked their car.
  • Carry extra bottles of water in your car to give out to construction workers working in the heat or to the homeless.
  • Drop a $5 or $10 bill on the street and then pick it up and give to the person ahead of you and tell them they dropped this.
  • Clean out your closets and donate all your unwanted coats to charity for the homeless.
  • Go buy a bunch of long-stemmed flowers and hand one to each person that walks by. And don’t forget to SMILE!
  • Notice if you see someone who appears to be sad and/or depressed at your work or school, and intentionally go up to them and let them know you care and you have a willing shoulder to lean on or listen to.
  • Don’t forget about your family. Put random notes on the pillows of your loved ones or grandchildren to let them know how much they mean to you.
  • Go to a children’s hospital and bring toys and balloons to those children who are ill and put a smile back on their face.
  • And the easiest one of all…. simply smile like you mean it to everyone you meet and say, ‘hi, I hope you have a great day’!
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The Magical Touch of Kindness, Made You Smile Back, Make You Smile, Made Ya Smile, Smile
Photo by Wikipedia

Ellen Degeneres Speaks Out at the People’s Awards About Kindness

At the People’s Choice Awards in 2017, Ellen Degeneres made history in winning 3 awards including Favorite Daytime TV host and Favorite Animated Movie Voice.

It indeed was a magical moment which she approached the stage to receive her awards and she gave this memorable speech about the love and kindness of mankind and what we all should strive for.


1. Why is kindness so powerful?

Kindness is a much-underrated value in society today. But, it’s a magical skill that transforms both the giver and the receiver. It helps to build respect, tolerance, and understanding. Imagine how wonderful the world would be if kindness was the norm rather than the exception?

2. Can you learn to be kind?

Think of kindness as a muscle. Work every day to strengthen it. Start the kindness habit by being intentional with your words and actions. Make the following quote a rule to live by:

3. What are the health benefits of kindness?

Here are a few health advantages of being kind:
* Strengthens the immune system
* Good for your heart health
* Lessens depression and stress

4. What is the impact of kindness on friendships?

Being kind to friends shows them you love and care for them. It deepens the friendship by encouraging friends to reciprocate with kindness. The relationship is likely to be marked by other positive values like compassion, loyalty, and generosity. This is the foundation of lifelong friendships.

5. How do you practice kindness daily?

You do not need money or any special stuff to show kindness. Here are a few kindness habits to start:
* Smile at people on the way to work or school
* Greet strangers cheerfully
* Allow other drivers to switch into your lane graciously
* Give someone your seat on the bus or train
* Run errands for neighbors

Special Acknowledgment to POOVANESH PATHER, Contributing Writer for FAQ.

Design by Beth Elkassih on Canva

Who’s Ready for the 7 Day Kindness Challenge Using the Magical Touch of Kindness?

Hey Everyone! I hope you’re ready for a great week! Yep, I am definitely issuing you a challenge. A 7 day kindness challenge. It’s super easy and only entails 2 simple rules (well there’s is an optional 3rd one…)

  1. Every day, practice an act of kindness toward another person.
  2. Exercise a different act of kindness each day.
  3. Optional: journal about your experience and record how it made you feel.

Then after the 7 days are over, come back to this post and comment about how your experience was. Hopefully, we’ll get over 100+ comments from as many people reading this to participate!

Final Thoughts…

I hope you have enjoyed this fun and informative article on the ‘magic touch’ of kindness. Please join in the conversation below and let us know what small acts of kindness you have received lately or have done for someone. And don’t forget about the challenge!

The Magical Touch of Kindness

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  1. How timely to put this article out there for the world to see! We absolutely need more kindness in our world with so much divisiveness going on with Covid & Politics! We need to hear more about kindness and take the challenge of spreading it around! I love your ideas and the call to action! My husband and I recently have gotten sick and we have had several people offer to pick up groceries for us or make dinner for us! We are definitely blessed by our family and friends!

  2. kindness is critical to make our world a better place.
    love your explanation of the types of kindness that we can express to one another.
    thanks for sharing this heart warming post.

  3. Wow! So many great thoughts on kindness! I agree that kindness is very powerful when it comes to relationships. I agree that it helps in fostering compassion towards others. I really like the idea of planned kindness and being intentional about showing kindness towards others. Great post! 🙂

  4. I really enjoyed this post, it explains kindness so well. I hadn’t given thought to the different types of kindness but will start being more mindful each day, adding to my journal the different acts of kindness.

  5. Kindness is especially important if you have a chronic illness. When I worked FT, it was the kindness of my colleagues that made the stressful environment bearable. Just to give you a silly example but meant so much to me. To get from the admin area to the car park, there is a flight of about 10 stairs. On a windy day, I was so afraid that the wind would topple me over (as I was so underweight) that I often had a co-worker involuntarily help me down. Little acts of kindness mean a lot to those who are unused to it. Gratitude and affirmations are big today but kindness needs to be given equal importance. Great post.

    1. Poovanesh, thank you for your comments. I don’t think people realize how easy it is to simply be kind, especially to one another. The world would be such a better place if everyone practiced kindness on a regular daily basis. Many blessings.

  6. This is a wonderful post! Who knew there were so many layers to kindness??! I certainly didn’t, and I wish more people did. The world would be a better place for sure ???

    1. Tania, thanks for your comments. When I was researching in preparation of writing this blog on kindness, I, too, was surprised with the different ‘types of kindness’. So glad you enjoyed it! Many blessings.

  7. Thank you for shedding light on this important act of kindness and its benefits. I never knew there were 4 types of kindness. I love the description of kindness, and yes, it’s something you either have or don’t. I also love your use of the muscle metaphor to strengthen kindness. I always love reading your posts as they remind me of how simple and enjoyable life is when we have faith.

  8. I received a small act of kindness from my 8 year old who when I accidently stabbed my thumb helped me to fix it and did small jobs around the house as I was in so much pain.
    When sometimes you feel like kids are just take take take they do help out when you can’t

  9. Wow! I love your blog so much. It’s like a happy place. It is sad how nowadays people think we are weird when we are kind or think there is some selfish motive behind this. Still being kind is the best thing to live a happy life. We all should be like, ‘If I can, You can too’. This post needs to be shared more and more. ❤️

    1. Sunshine,
      Thanks so much for your kind words regarding this blog on ‘The Magical Touch of Kindness’. Please feel free to share via Facebook to all your
      friends. Many blessings to you.

  10. “How can one be kind to others if you don’t know how to even be kind to yourself! ” – so true. Also, love your ideas for random acts of kindness.

  11. Thank you so much for this wonderful post, yet again. You always have such amazing, feel good content to share. I love reading your stuff. Especially love how you pointed out the difference between being kind and being nice.

  12. I’ve never considered there are 4 types of kindness. I really liekd your post, kindness is indeed like it has magical benefits. I wish more people were kind iin our daily lives.
    I have noticed that sometimes when I’m unexpectedly kind (like offering my parinking site to someone that cannot park his/her well), people are confused like thinking ‘He’s wierd” 😀

  13. If we all took some time & space to spread kindness around us the world would be such a better place! That’s why I absolutely love people like yourself! I want to take a moment and say, “thank you for being you! Thank you for having the heart to spread kindness to others, and inspiring others to do the same.” I only hope to also inspire as many people to spread love, joy, and peace. Thanks for inspiring me!

  14. awesome well written. This world needs more of unconditional love and kindness. Brave for taking on this topic and doing an amazing job. I finally realized being nice and kind are two different things. Thanks

    1. Gerald, thank for your positive kindness. Yes, when I was researching for writing this topic, I too, learned the subtle differences of the differences between kindness and simply being nice.

  15. I love reading your posts, they are so uplifting and full of positivity and definitely turn a frown upside down ?. I really enjoyed reading this and learning about the different varieties of kindness. Keep up the awesome work ?

    1. Michelle, you’re so kind. Thank you for the vote of encouragement. I did enjoy writing this one. Hopefully you shall accept my challenge and take the 7 Day Kindness Challenge!

  16. Wow, what a great way to explain Kindness. Didn’t realize there were so many descriptions and categories. I try to practice ‘kindness’ daily. Never know who needed that one small act to make such a big impact!!! Great article. Keep up the good work!!!! One day at a time!

    1. Andrea, thanks for your kind comments. Yes, the ripple effect alone can be a wonderful community chain reaction which can make a great impact on people’s lives in a life-changing way.

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