Are You Ready for a Miracle, The Power of Unexpected Miracles, by Beth Elkassih,, Made You Smile Back, Made Ya Smile, Make You Smile

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Contributing Author for this unique and special blog post is Ms. Poovanesh Pather.  She is the Author and Creator of Family – Growth – Life.

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Do you believe in miracles?

Do you believe in miracles?  I’m sure you’ve all heard or experienced coincidences which changed the course of events.  For example, the woman who narrowly missed being knocked down by an out-of-control driver because she stopped to lace her sneakers.  

Can coincidences be called modern day miracles?

And do miracles still occur today?  To answer this question, watch this YouTube video:

So just what is a miracle?  Let’s consider the meaning of the word.

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The Merriam-Webster Dictionary stated that a miracle is an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.

Wikipedia defines a miracle as an event not explicable by natural or scientific laws.

According to

Miracle, a noun meaning “amazing or wonderful occurrence,  “comes from the Latin miraculum “object of  wonder.”  Dig way back and the “object of wonder.”  Dig way back and the word derives from smeiros, meaning “to smile,” which is exactly what you do when a miracle happens.

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Today, many people doubt the existence of miracles.  So just how do you explain miracles to modern day skeptics?

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  • A miracle may be created by a deity, saint or religious leader.
  • It is an event that takes place against all odds.
  • For example, surviving the 2006  Pangandaran Tsunami when so many lost their lives, having a baby when doctors declared it impossible or surviving a terminal illness against all odds.
  • Since there is no scientific or rational explanation for miracles, they are most often seen as the work of ‘God‘.


Miracles happen every day. Not just in remote country villages or at holy sites halfway across the globe, but here, in our own lives.

Cynics often denounce miracles as trickery and deceit.  If you fall into this category, check this YouTube video out:

If you’re still not convinced, read 6 Examples of Real Life Miracles for more fascinating accounts of modern day miracles.

Miracles Worldwide, Do You Believe in Miracles, The Power of Unexpected Miracles, Unexpected Miracles Happen Every Day, Made You Smile Back, Beth Elkassih Author
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“Prayer is the medium of miracles; in whatever way works for you, pray right now.”

Parting of the Red Sea Miracle, Do You Believe in Miracles, The Power of Unexpected Miracles, Unexpected Miracles Happen Everyday, Made You Smile Back, Beth Elkassih, Author
Image by jeffjacobs1990© on Pixabay©


The most memorable miracles from the Bible are:

  • Moses parting the Red Sea to get the Israelites to safety by simply stretching out his hand.
  • Jesus staving off the hunger of 4000 with a mere 7 loaves of bread and a few fish.
  • Jesus walking on water to show his disciples they can do anything if they have faith.

For more on Jesus’ miracles, please check out 10 Awesome Biblical Miracles.

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While miracles are commonly associated with Jesus and the Church, miracles abound in other world religions too.  Here are a few:

Hindu Miracles,Do You Believe in Miracles, The Unexpected Power of Miracles, Unexpected Miracles Happen Everyday, Made You Smile Back, Beth Elkassih Author
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hindu miracles

On September 21, 1995, when milk was offered to Lord Ganesha, the milk was sucked up as if taken from a spoon.  Temples all over India and in fact the rest of the world reported statues of Ganesha drinking milk.

Read ANIL BHANOT account in the New Statesman of America of his experience of Lord Ganesha drinking milk.

Here is a more visual account of the milk drinking miracle:

Despite tests and analysis by scientists, there was no rational explanation for it.

The conclusion was that the Lord Ganesha drinking milk was really an act of God, a genuine miracle.

Muslim Miracles, Do You Believe in Miracles, The Power of Unexpected Miracles, Unexpected Miracles Happen Everyday, Made You Smile Back, Beth Elkassih Author
Photo by dasvorpaiwisata© – Commercial Royalty Free

muslim miracles

An Indonesian Baiturrahman Grand Mosque that survived the December 27, 2004 earthquake and tsunami which destroyed everything in the vicinity is seen as a modern-day Muslim miracle.

Another example of a Muslim miracle is this Mandarin leaf with Allah’s name on it.


Miracles Are Love, Do You Believe in Miracles, Unexpected Miracles Happen Everyday, Made You Smile Back, Beth Elkassih Author
Image by one_life© on Pixabay©

Some of you may have experienced seeming life-changing coincidences that led to your belief in miracles.

Here’s an example of the healing power of miracles.  The course of Beth Elkassih’s life was so dramatically altered that she wrote a book about her experiences.

Here’s a brief but honest overview of her book entitled, “The Power of Unexpected Miracles”.  

series of unexplainable coincidences took place:

First, her mother, who was terminally ill and not totally lucid, told her sister that Beth was pregnant even before Beth knew that she was pregnant.

Next, the universe conspired, it seems, to have Beth in a hospital environment where she would get the best possible medical care if there was a crisis.

To find out, what exactly Beth’ miracle was and how it shaped her life, you will have to get the book.

It’s available now.  Please click on the button below.

If you want a sneak peak of “The Power of Unexpected Miracles”, click on the button immediately below!

Click Here To Order “The Power of Unexpected Miracles”

Please join the conversation and share if you have any comments and/or if you have experienced a miracle or two in your life!

Do You Believe in Miracles?