12 Hacks to Grow Through What You Go Through
Grow Through What You Go Through
There are always new opportunities to grow in our lives, and they come in all shapes and sizes. But in order to grow, we have to be willing to ‘grow through what we go through.’
The cycle of life is not all hearts and roses… so when misfortunes occur we have to learn to accept it as a learning and growing experience. Life is a series of experiences that we should cherish and learn from.
Today, more than ever, many people have suffered losses as they faced the world and had to ‘grow through adversity’ due to this current insidious pandemic. Many have witnessed the loss of loved ones, faced unemployment, loss of income, poverty, whole families being wiped out, and then dealt with the rebuilding process thereafter. (For additional reading, check out these 2 blogs: ‘Covid Reality Check – Improve Your Mental Health Happiness and 10 Unique Random Acts of Kindness During Lockdown.)
Made You Smile Back is sensitive to these issues and this article was written to those of us who are in need of understanding and compassion. We shall explore what it means to grow through what you go through. You will get inspired and encouraged by all that you need to know about growing through adversity.
Made You Smile Back will provide you with 12 amazing hacks of how you ‘grow through what you go through.’ You will learn how hardships shape your character for the better and make the realization that these life struggles are to our benefit in growing through what you go through.
Meaning of Grow Through What You Go Through Lifestyle
When something bad happens, we can either let it defeat us or we can use it to fuel our growth. The choice is ours.
There are going to be times in our lives when things don’t go our way. When this happens, it is easy to fall into a funk and become negative about the future.
Today we’re going to talk about what the word “growth” means. I’m going to show you why you need to understand the meaning of growth in order to make the most of your life and to be able to achieve whatever goals you have.
I want to share with you some tips to help you stay positive, even when you are in a tough situation.
I want to encourage you to focus on the positive aspects of the challenges you face and use them as motivation for growth.
The following are the detailed 12 hacks to ‘grow through what you go through’ I would like to share:
1. Acknowledge the Opportunity for Growth
When something bad happens, we can choose to see it as a defeat or an opportunity to grow. If you’re in a slump or struggling with some other sort of negative situation, it may be time to re-evaluate your situation and ask yourself if there’s a way you can use this “defeat” to your advantage. Misfortune, when faced head-on, can be an amazing source of empowerment.
When we are hit with a big setback, the first reaction is one of denial. Then anger. Next is bargaining. And finally, acceptance. Most people who have been through a tough time will tell you that the toughest part is the “acceptance” part. That’s because it means we have to let go of the outcome we were hoping for and simply learn to live with the reality of what has happened.
Don’t Look For A Quick Fix… Instead… Let It Lead You On A Journey Of Discovery! We all want instant solutions to our problems… but often, these solutions aren’t even available.
2. Understand Where You Are Weakest (And Strongest)
We all have our good points and our bad points. Some people are naturally more talented and skilled than others. However, we all have areas in our lives where we are weak. And these are the areas where we need to work the hardest.
It’s the same with strengths. We all have our strong points. These are the things that we are good at or that come easy to us. But we also have our weaker points. These are the things where we need to put more effort in order to become better.
If we want to improve, we have to be willing to acknowledge our weaknesses and work to overcome them. The first step to improvement is awareness.
We need to be aware of our areas of strength and our areas of weakness. When we are aware of our areas of strength and our areas of weakness, we can then decide what we need to do to improve.
3. Face Your Fears And Grow Through Them
We all have fears. Everybody in the world has fears. It is when we are faced with these fears that we grow.
We don’t run from our fears; we go through them. To get past our fears, we need to do three things:
1) acknowledge them,
2) let them go, and
3) replace them with something else.
It is when we do this that we grow.
The first step to doing this is to simply admit that we have fears. If we can do that, the next step is to let go of these fears. The last step is to replace these fears with positive, constructive thoughts.
These are the steps that will lead us to a stronger, more confident person.
4. Learn To Let Go Of The Past
The past is gone. You cannot change it. Whatever you did in the past is over and done with. If you keep worrying about the past, you will always be unhappy and you will never be able to have a good future.
It is best to let the past go and not think about it anymore. Nobody really wins or loses in the past. It’s a big waste of time to worry about things that are over and done with.
On the other hand, if you learn to let go of the past, you can begin to live more in the present and enjoy your life more. It is important to start living in the present and not worry about things that are over and done with.
If you do this often enough, you will start to create an amazing future for yourself. Don’t keep re-living the same old thing over and over. Keep moving forward. Don’t get stuck in the past. Change what you can and let go of the rest. You’ll be happier for it.
5. Be Willing To Take Risks On & Trust Your Faith
You have to be willing to take risks to grow and succeed in life. This means that you should be willing to put yourself in a position where you could fail.
You must be willing to do things that could possibly hurt you. However, it is important to remember that we all fail at times. It’s part of life. You can’t always get what you want. There will always be obstacles in life.
You need to be willing to face these obstacles. You can overcome them if you have the right attitude. You will need to learn how to ‘grow through what you go through.’ The more you try, the more you will succeed.
6. Believe In Yourself
What makes a person successful is the way they think about themselves. If you believe in yourself, then you will become a success. It is important to believe in yourself when you are going through tough times. You need to learn to ‘grow through what you go through’ – no matter what obstacles you may find yourself in.
People won’t criticize you if you are trying your best. What they see is how you try and how you choose to respond to the challenges in your life. Don’t give up hope. Motivation is the most powerful key to success. The most important thing to do is to face challenges and work or ‘grow through them.’ You’ll succeed if you overcome your challenges and you can do that by working on how to ‘grow through what you go through.’
(For additional reading, be sure to check out ‘Finally Take Charge of Your Life and Start Believing in Yourself Again.)
7. Have A Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is an attitude that you are never finished growing. It is the belief that you can always get better.
Having a growth mindset means that you believe that your intelligence and knowledge can grow. People with a growth mindset believe that they can learn and grow from their mistakes and from their failures. In other words, they have learned how to ‘grow through what they go through’. They believe that they have the ability to improve and change their life for the better.
You should never give up on trying to accomplish great things. You should keep trying and never let the “failure” of one attempt stop you from trying again. If you have a growth mindset, you will keep trying until you succeed.
8. Cultivate An Attitude Of Thankfulness
We all have problems in life, and many of these problems are very difficult to overcome. One way to deal with our problems is to get angry at them. However, this will not solve our problem. Instead, this will cause our problem to get much worse.
What we need to do instead is to thank God for the problem, and then, we need to work hard to try and overcome it. The attitude of thankfulness enables us to get a better perspective of our problems. This enables us to see the good in our problems also. This is very important.
Per Dr. Gary C. Halbert, he found that people who have an attitude of thankfulness have a remarkable ability to recover faster from almost any type of setback. He goes on further to remind us that a cheerful heart is one of the main ingredients of a healthy body.
A cheerful heart gets rid of depression. It gets rid of worry. It gets rid of anger. It helps us to look on the bright side of things. It enables us to bounce back quickly from life’s hard knocks. And, this enables us to keep moving forward in life. In other words, cultivating an attitude of thankfulness enables us to know how to ‘grow through what we go through throughout our lives.
9. Practice Gratitude Daily
There’s an old saying that goes “It’s not what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you do know that is wrong.” I think that’s very true. We all make mistakes. However, we can minimize our mistakes if we are aware of what we are doing.
One way to be aware is to be grateful for what we already have. We all have so much to be thankful for. Gratitude is the antidote for a negative mind. It brings joy to others and spreads it throughout your entire being. It is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
By practicing gratitude daily, we learn to be grateful for the problems and difficulties in our lives, it will make us a lot happier. It allows us to ‘grow through what we go through’.
By focusing on what you have, you will no longer focus on what you don’t have. And, the truth is, we all have far too much to be miserable about. So, start practicing gratitude now and you’ll go a long way to becoming a happier person.
(For additional reading, be sure to check out ‘Master the Art of Gratitude with These 10 Tips’.)
10. Surround Yourself With Positive People Who Believe In You
You need positive people who believe in you. They will help you to get where you want to go. It is important to have people who support you and who encourage you to do better.
You can learn a lot from people who have been through what you are going through. In other words surround like-minded people who have also experienced ‘growing through what you go through’ with life adversities along the way of achieving your dreams and goals.
They will teach you a lot about yourself. People who are successful always surround themselves with positive, supportive, and encouraging people.
11. Develop An “Anything Can Happen” Attitude & Journey
You never know what might happen tomorrow. So, you need to develop the ability to deal with unexpected situations. A good way to do this is to have an “anything can happen” attitude.
Just imagine that nothing is going to happen, and then try to plan your day or week around this fact. When unexpected things do happen, just keep moving forward. Don’t get stuck in the past or worry about what used to be. Instead, just keep moving toward your goals and your dreams.
Keep a positive “anything can happen” attitude and you will always be ready for whatever comes your way. In other words, you will have come a long way into ‘growing through what you go through‘ in being prepared for anything that can happen along your journey of life.
Final Words – How to Start a Balanced Health Journey
In conclusion, if you want to go through something, you need to be willing to go through it. Or as this article has reiterated, you must ‘grow through what you go through.’
So many people want to avoid the difficult stuff in their life. But, if you’re not willing to go through the uncomfortable or painful parts of life, you can’t grow. Bookmark this article and reference this provided list of 12 hacks to grow through the tough parts of life… of overcoming obstacles and adversities.
These hacks will assuredly help you grow and get you through the most difficult moments in your life. The good news is that they’re easy to implement, and you don’t have to be perfect to benefit from them.
There are no hacks to grow through life, because life is all about growth. We must constantly be open to growth, and the best way to grow is by going through what we go through.
1. Who said grow through what you go through?
“You grow through what you go through” is a common quote delivered by many ranging from actor Tyrese Gibson to author Fred Famble and many in between. There is no escaping challenge in this life.
2. What does it mean to grow through what you go through?
To grow through what you go through means not allowing life struggles, obstacles and/or adversities and disappointment to overtake us.
Per the online platform, Suicide Prevention Lifeline, we can look at these life situations as opportunities to improve, learn, have a change of heart, and grow. The choices you make are a testament to the life you live. You can either let difficult situations destroy you or teach you.
3. What is the Hindi meaning of ‘grow through what you go through?’
Simply stated, it translates to: “If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it.” This is a literal translation. Unless one experiences or ‘walk in your shoes’ and ‘KNOWS” what it’s like to grow through it, they don’t know.
In other words, we all must ‘grow through what we go through.’ It’s simply part of life.
4. What’s one way we can ‘grow through what we go through’?
Per Shane Walker of ‘You Are Beyond Enough’, he states to ‘shift your perspective.’ “People stay stuck and experience the same difficulties in life because they fail to look at things differently. You cannot expect different results if you do not change something. What haven’t you tried? What else can you do? Do some soul searching and figure out what that is.”
5. What’s another way in describing what we ‘grow through what go through?’
Our darkest storms and most painful mistakes can turn into our greatest victories. It just is a matter of acceptance and making a plan of action to learn from our struggles and march forward into positive outcomes or our ‘greatest victories’.
Yeah, many good points here. It often is too easy to complain about what is happening to us instead of using it as a growing opportunity.
And of course gratitude is essential but for me, too easily forgotten in daily life.
So thank you for a great article to help me think through experiences and mindset.
Karen, thanks for all your positive comments.
Hey Beth Great inspirational post. After the difficulties the whole world has faced due to the Covid pandemic , this post is so welcome. It is full of tips to encourage one to persevere through the tough times because they help you build resilience. It will certainly be a resource for those who may be in a really dark place. Note the point made that you are going through it. That this too will pass. Thanks for writing such a thoughtful and most helpful post.
Poovanesh, thank you for your encouraging comments. Yes, my Mother always said ‘This too shall pass’ as well.