Daily Affirmations for Happiness - Words on Colored Rocks

Affirmations for Happiness Attracting Health, Healing & Joy into your Life

Made You Smile Back presents this blog detailing affirmations for happiness.  You will discover affirmations for happiness attracting health, healing and joy into your life.

Daily affirmations are an incredible way to develop positive thoughts in your mind. In addition, they help you achieve positive goals, like healing from injuries or getting more love in your life.

  • They can help you change your beliefs and your thoughts. 
  • They can help you change your feelings. 
  • They can help you change your behavior.

It is not easy to change your thoughts and beliefs. This is the beginning of a new way of thinking. It takes time and effort. It will require you to be both persistent and consistent. You will need to practice diligently for several days and weeks to see significant and lasting changes. But by doing so, you will reap the benefits of staying on course in reaching your goals but improving your peace of mind and experiencing true happiness.

Affirmations vs Quotes

Difference Between Affirmations and Quotes

As we discussed earlier, affirmations are an easy and powerful way to make changes in your life. But how are they different from reciting favorite positive-oriented quotes? 

In your personal arsenal of becoming the best version of yourself, knowing both affirmations and quotes can be very helpful.

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That said, do know that affirmations actually have a lot more power compared to the recitation of quotes. And even though they seem to have the same meaning, affirmations, quotes, and other positive words are very much different in their own right.

As stated earlier, affirmations are positive words, phrases, and sentences aimed towards different aspects of your life that need improvement, such as your love life, family matters, relationships, health and even for personal healing.


On the other hand, quotes are meant to inspire people who read them.  They consist of memorable phrases and sentences uttered by famous people such as celebrities, politicians, and other historical figures. 

The big difference is that quotes can be positive or negative depending on the mood of the person who said them. Affirmations are meant to condition and prepare your mind for what the future holds for them.


But what about mantras?  A mantra has more than positivity in it. These words have deep spiritual connections to them, and they are meant to celebrate your faith.  They usually include a repetitious musical hypnotic tone to go deep inside your subconscious.

Do Affirmations Work?

Do Affirmations Work?

According to Noah St. John in his blog he published in Linked-In, he states:

“Most of us think that affirmations have a definition, meaning everything would come true if we claim it would come true, period. However, that’s not how it works…” – Noah St. John

Affirmations are actually positive words or comments that are often used to motivate ourselves.  They are also used to help inspire and make intentional changes to counteract negative or unhelpful thoughts.  

Samples of affirmations may be simple phrases such as “I deserve to be happy… I deserve to heal… I deserve to feel loved.”

Affirmations are powerful tools. They can help you achieve your goals. They can help you to change your beliefs and your thoughts. They can help you to build a loving and supportive environment.

I Choose Happiness - Affirmations

Positive Affirmations for Happiness

If you are using affirmations for the first time, you might want to start with positive affirmations. These are affirmations that are designed to help you feel better and to feel more optimistic about your life.  And of course, the goal is to achieve authentic happiness for yourself.

Positive affirmations are helpful for improving your life. With practice, you can develop the self-confidence and inner strength that will allow you to live the way you want.

Popular positive affirmations for happiness are as follows:

  • “I am getting happier every day.” 
  • “I am getting better and better at loving and being loved.”
  • “My body is getting stronger and healthier.” 
  • “I am getting more and more self-assured.”
  • “I am getting more and more happier every day.” 
  • “I am getting more and more loving.” 
  • “I am getting more and more confident.” 
  • “I am a beautiful, loving woman.”
  • “ I deserve to be happy.”

Affirmations become habitual in nature and with practice can be introduced effectively in our subconscious to become the best we can be.  Affirmations are recited out loud and often are simple positive words or statements that resonate within us on what we want to change about ourselves.

Affirmations for Health & Healing

Positive Affirmations for Health & Healing

Affirmations are also a powerful tool for healing and improving our health.  Optimism and hopefulness are beneficial for your health and wellbeing. It can help lift your mood, relieve stress, and boost your energy. 

Moreover, they can help you get rid of stress, anxiety, and depression. I can remember when I was experiencing acute post-partum depression and severe anxiety.  I found myself deep in that awful ‘rabbit hole’ of hopelessness and despair.  I could not see a way out of my situation. 

I made the choice to begin using affirmations to heal myself. I both created and selected a list of 10 such affirmations. My daily routine included reading them ‘out loud’ every day while I got ready for work.

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Then I would re-read these same 10 affirmations again ‘out loud’ every night before going to sleep.  Yes, it did take some time.  But with intentional resolve, practice and application, it did indeed help me crawl out of that dark ‘rabbit hole’.  It made a big difference in being able to cope with my depression and even overcome it.  

These positive affirmations for health and healing brought me back to my former ‘happy’ self and ultimately to higher levels of authentic happiness.

Let me share with you the affirmations for health and healing I used for coping and ultimately overcoming depression:

  1. It is my birthright to be happy.
  2. I am calm and relaxed.
  3. I deserve to heal from this affliction.
  4. This is just a temporary condition.
  5. With each day, I am getting happier.
  6. My body and mind are getting stronger daily.
  7. I am a beautiful, loving woman.
  8. I am getting healthier and healthier.
  9. No one will ever take my joy away from me again.
  10. Each day I become a better ‘Me’!
Love & Relationship Affirmations

Affirmations for Love and Relationships

Did you know you can also recite affirmations for love and relationships?  If you are looking for a way to make your relationship stronger, you can use affirmations to help you think positively about your partner. You can use positive affirmations to boost your confidence and self-esteem.

If you are having a hard time making your relationship work, affirmations can help you change your thoughts and beliefs. You can say to yourself: “I am happy with my partner.” You can also say: “I am not going to be jealous of my partner. I love him for who he is, and I respect him. I can accept his faults and still love him. I can love him even when he makes mistakes.”

In the area of romance, everyone wants to have a happy and healthy relationship, affirmations can help you. You can even use affirmations to help you get in touch with your feelings and inner emotions.  Who wouldn’t want to create a loving and supportive environment for you and your partner?

By reciting powerful personal affirmations for love and relationships, this will help you create a positive atmosphere in your home. You can ask yourself questions like: “How does my partner feel about me?” “How do I feel about my partner?” “How does my partner treat me?” “How do I treat my partner?” “How do I treat myself?” 

We all can easily benefit from repeating affirmations because it will help us focus our thoughts and energy on our goals.  By doing so, you will be able to enjoy more love in your life and have better relationships with everyone as well.

Daily Affirmations for Happiness

In Summary

So hopefully, by now, you will have come to the conclusion that affirmations are a simple and effective way of changing your beliefs and feelings. They can help you to live a happier and healthier life.   

See also  Finding Happiness: 5 Easy Steps to Get Your Smile Back

You have learned that you can use affirmations for health and healing.  You have discovered how to use to get in touch with your emotions and feelings.  You have determined how you can use affirmations to help you communicate with others. More importantly, you have learned how to use to create a positive and loving environment.

So… the next time you need help in coping with life’s challenges and problems, you now have the resources and knowledge of how positive affirmations can bring optimism and well-being back into your life.  

For Further Reading…

— I Just Want To Be Happy Again

— Made You Smile Back Inspirational Quotes

– Good Morning Inspirational Messages

1. Do affirmations work? 

When you hear words of reassurance from someone who means a lot to you or even someone you might not even know, affirmations do make a difference, they work like magic and motivate the person.

Just to be certain, when you are sure about what you are saying to the person can be considered as a positive affirmation, they do work. 

2. How do you define ‘happiness in the simplest words?

Life, love, and positivity define happiness in the easiest words. Life is full of paradoxes, you do not want to make it more complicated, take things gradually and make it easier for yourself. 

If you are struggling on day1, while you are contented and hopeful at the same time, then you have achieved and understood the assignment. That’s the simplest form of happiness, self-contentment. 

3. Are expectations inversely proportional to happiness? 

Sometimes we humans expect more than we can do for others ourselves. Sometimes those expectations are surreal, where you make yourself question the things you want and expect from others. Happiness doesn’t work that way, making someone else happy and fulfilling their expectations may make you and them happy at the same time.
The more we progress, the more we prefer the better and want more from life. We keep expecting and when things don’t go our way we tend to say “expectations hurt”. 

How to create positive affirmations?

“I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing,” late self-help author and positive affirmations queen Louise Hay wrote in her book You Can Heal Your Life.

Positive affirmation is like a habit that needs to be added to your daily routine. Such as reminding yourself and others: 
– I am loved
– I am kind
– I am brave
– I am considerate
– I am getting better day by day
– Everything will be alright if it is not for now 

5. How to emotionalize affirmations? 

“The chance to love and be loved exists no matter where you are,” Oprah
By reciting your positive affirmations to yourself and your loved ones you are already working towards the process to emotionalize affirmations. When you remind someone by saying “You will be fine, I will take care of you”, this is an act of emotion in a sense of reassurance.

Affirmations for Happiness Attracting Health, Healing & Joy into your Life

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  1. Such an excellent encouraging post. You are so right regarding affirmations. Saying these over our lives is speaking life. I especially loved when you said, “…affirmations are a simple and effective way of changing your beliefs and feelings. They can help you to live a happier and healthier life.” Thank you for sharing this post.

    Pastor Natalie

    1. Samantha, although I do indeed love my quotes I read religiously daily… affirmations are so powerful when said out loud with intention. They can be truly life-changing.

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