Finally Take Charge of Your Life & Start Believing in Yourself Again!
Take Charge of Your Life & Finally Start Believing in Yourself Again!
Made You Smile Back is pleased to present this life-changing and thought-provoking article on how to finally take charge of your life and start believing in yourself again.
We shall discuss the signs of how you may have ‘lost yourself’ or have become disillusioned with your everyday status. We will ask tough questions about the current ‘reality’ of your life as it stands today and present thought-provoking strategies to propel you into necessary actions that have the potential to change your life for the better.
By the end of this blog article, Made You Smile Back will encourage you and teach you how to eliminate self-doubt, how to take control and take back your life. You will discover how to have faith in yourself, believe in yourself, regain your happiness, and find yourself again.

Do you find yourself lately feeling lost or empty inside? Like having a gaping hole in your well-being and you just don’t know how to close it up!?!
Do you feel unfulfilled with your job and wish you could be doing something you really love? And what about those of you who may be just going ‘through the motions’ of just getting through the day with the bare minimum of effort. Have you become complacent?
You are human after all and we all have experienced these types of feelings, albeit, some more than others, at various times of our life. The question becomes…. What do we do about it? How can we start believing in ourselves again, have faith in ourselves, and regain that confidence and happiness one needs to not only take charge of our life but start to begin reliving the life we were meant to live!
Can you relate to any of these questions? Yes, finding yourself again may seem impossible right now, but trust me, there is hope.
Do you want to know how to successfully know how to find yourself again? If you commit to doing so, you have the potential of radically transforming your life, finding happiness and joy again, and become the best version of yourself.
When you are finding yourself, you find what makes you truly happy, not just “happy enough.”
In Made You Smile Back’s Signature Talk created by myself, Beth Elkassih, powerful life strategies are presented. “Reclaim Your Happiness… How to Find Yourself Again When Facing Unexpected Life Struggles”.
If you would like to have a glimpse into THE ‘MADE YOU SMILE BACK’ EXPERIENCE? Then watch and listen to this 5 Minute Intro to Beth’s Signature Talk.

Discover how to eliminate self-doubt and live your best life. Falling out of touch with yourself happens when you buy into other ideas of what you are supposed to be or should be doing. Have you found yourself following what you think you are supposed to be doing rather than what you WANT to be doing? If so, you are not living your own life.
You need to learn to regroup and realize that only your true self can lead you in the right direction of happiness, confidence, regain passion and revalidate your life.

Here are 5 tips to learn how to eliminate self-doubt, regain your confidence and take charge of your life and lead a meaningful life:
- Rediscover what makes you YOU! What makes you tick!
- Learn how to take better self-care of yourself!
- Make time for the people and things that you love!
- Start thinking outside the box and don’t apologize if what you think isn’t what the ‘average Joe’ thinks!
- Stop second-guessing yourself! Trust your instincts!
Your inner-self knows what your passions are. Call it intuition if you will! Your inner-self knows the right choices to make if you just learn to ‘listen’.
Embrace what your life is trying to teach you.
Mary Capino – Forbes Magazine
Mary Capino goes further in stating:
“When you hit what you think is a breaking point, don’t resist it, but embrace it. Walk right into it. Often these moments are occurring precisely to illuminate what you’re missing in your life, and what you deeply long for. When you learn to embrace rather than fight the lessons these challenging moments are trying to teach you, suddenly a new path becomes clearer and more possible than ever before.”

The Most Important Relationship That You Will Ever Have!
Did you know that the most important relationship that you will ever have is yourself?
When you finally start taking charge of your life and when you start believing in yourself again, it involves having a healthy relationship with yourself.
Having a healthy relationship means that you have a stable self-concept. You learn to be comfortable ‘within your own skin’. You learn that you don’t need anyone’s approval of others in order to feel whole.
Did you also know that it is scientifically proven that if you look up and smile your biggest grin possible, you can no longer feel depressed… You can no longer be angry… it’s just not possible… The chemicals in your brain when looking up and simultaneously smiling will not allow you to be anything but happy! Do you know how incredible this statement is?
Let’s take a moment and watch this thought-provoking video from Stevan James on ‘The Relationship With Yourself’ who discusses this very concept.
Per Huffington Post, The Key to a Successful Relationship: Have One With Yourself First, studies have shown that people who put themselves first shows self-interest without being selfish and are simply, much happier. When you feel good about yourself, it compliments every other relationship that you have.
Not only that, self-love is the best kind of love (outside of religious love/devotion of course). It allows one to connect to our soul’s purpose and live the life that we want. Let me resonate this thought with you further by quoting the late, insightful Louise Hay:
“Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.”
Louise Hay

Do You Believe That Change Is Possible for You?
Excuses hold us back from being the best we can be, from being honest with ourselves and living authentic lives. Learn these 12 strategies and discover the power of greatness within you!
Strategies on How To Take Charge and Take Back Your Life
- Take Responsibility, Then Accept It
- Take Note of Those You Admire and Don’t Admire
- Live a Healthy Lifestyle
- Write In a Journal
- Ask Yourself Questions
- Do More of What You Love
- Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
- Pick Up Hobbies and Learn New Skills
- Forgive Yourself for Everything
- Embrace Spontaneity and Do Something Crazy or ‘Out of the Box!’
- Live in the Moment

Start Believing in Yourself! Dream BIG & Make Goals Become Reality Once and For All!
If you want to learn how to find happiness, look inside of yourself. Happiness is an inside job. It is the result of being present with ourselves.
Yes, personal growth isn’t always fun. It’s not a straightforward linear process. There will be good days and no so good days. That’s just how life works.
One of my favorite motivational speakers is the well-known Tony Robbins. I loved reading his book, “Awaken The Giant Within” where he talks about taking charge of your life. Here’s the deal…
According to Tony, you must learn to take charge of your life and understand that many people give away their power to their boss, spouse, environment, external influences, and peer pressure from family and friends.
He goes on to say… “Whose life are you really living? Is it one of your own making? Or is it one on another’s making? Are you truly satisfied with the life that you are living? Look within, is this from you? Is this all that you are capable of becoming and achieving?”
You know and I know the answer is a resounding ‘No!’… You know very well deep inside of yourself that you can become more and ultimately achieve more! Do you realize there are simply no limits as to what you can achieve!
You CAN become the person you truly want to be and achieve all that you want to achieve!
Yes, Made You Smile Back is here to remind you to take charge of your life again… You CAN believe in yourself and you NEED to take action. And please, please, please… Do NOT ever let anyone take control of your life!
It is YOUR life and you CAN live it in whatever way you choose to live it! Don’t become a slave to someone else’s dream, take control, have faith in yourself and allow yourself to be the architect of your own PERSONAL dreams.

The Big Takeaway!
So don’t delay any longer! Begin the process of believing in yourself and DREAM BIG and make those goals become reality.
Take small steps, but dream big dreams. And remember:
Get more inspired and encouraged! Be sure to check out these recent popular blog posts on similar topics!
1. How do I believe in myself?
Trust comes with a wide perspective that condemns the allowance of any risky beliefs that come in your way of betterment. Motivating yourself in certain ways can be efficient in the process of self-belief.
Some tips to believe in yourself are:
– Give your perspectives a diversity i.e. allow yourself to change
– Focus more
– Get out of your comfort zone i.e face your fears
– Create a healthy routine for your mind place and your body
– Take a break from your daily routine to explore
– Practice what makes you fall in love with yourself, maybe writing, biking, jogging, or painting
2. What are the signs that you are wasting your life?
Remember that this life has a purpose, we all proceed and keep on living and existing over the fact that we have something to do. Something we are looking forward to for which we work day and night. But when you realize, when the self-awareness hit and you know that you aren’t of any utility to anyone or the least to yourself, you must know this is the limit and you are wasting this precious time of your life.
It might seem fun and rainbows and unicorn for now but a few months later when reality will hit you up, you won’t like it then.
3. Why is believing in yourself so important?
You might have often heard people saying it to you or you might have read it somewhere that “Nobody will love you until you love yourself”. Which in fact is a true fact in most cases. As all individuals are completely different from one another, we do not need to stress over one written quote. You might need reassurance over the time again and again but you will be the one who will get your things done.
4. What are ways of living healthy?
Living a healthy life is very important in order to stay fit and achieve the goals you have set for yourself.
– Some ways of living healthy are:
– Maintain a healthy diet
– Make a sleep routine that helps the body clock and pattern
– Workout at least 30 minutes a day
– Avoid smoking or alcohol
– Get tested regularly
– Check your sugar and blood pressure levels to avoid any problems
– Take a break which can be considered your me-time for the day to focus on just your thoughts
5. What’s the most important relationship in your life?
In this matter, the most important relationship you will ever have is you with yourself. If you once learn how to take care of yourself which includes setting boundaries in order to feel safe and not allowing anyone to intrude and you learn to love yourself, to be kind to yourself is how you learn to be the best version of a person, one can be to another individual.
Thus, the most important relationship in your life is with yourself.